Thursday, April 22, 2010

Olympic Days

Nathan's school had their Annual Olympic Days today. The kids had a chance to participate in many fun games. My photos are not that great because I have a new camera and I'm still learning how to use it. Also, I volunteered to help out, so I didn't have much time for photos while chasing balls, bean bags and kids.

Opening Ceremonies - All the kids lined up and filed outside. One child from each class ran around the parking lot with a paper torch.

Soccer Ball Kick

Basketball Toss - Here's Nathan cheating a little.

They also played Football Toss, jumped on mini trampolines, Shotput with beanbags, Long Jump, Tall Jump and had a Baton Relay Race.

Everyone returned to their classrooms to eat their snacks and rest. Miss Susan surprised the school by buying popsicles to help the kids cool off.

After snack, they headed back outside for more fun.

Stick Horse Races

Sack Races

They had a Wheels Race with tricycles and an Obstacle Course. Then, the kids went indoors for Tug Of War.

Nathan's class getting ready to pull.

The kids in Nathan's class are small, so some of the kids in the 4 year old class jumped up and started helping out. But, they still lost. They gave it all they had but they were tired out.

After the games, Miss Kim hosted the metals ceremony.

Nathan on the podium getting his metal. (Sorry for the blurry picture . . . new camera.)

This was such a fun day for the kids and parents. When I picked Nathan up from school, he was exhausted. He almost fell asleep in the car on the ride home.

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