Monday, December 31, 2007

Messy Eater

Nathan is a great eater. He loves mac n' cheese with broccoli and prefers to feed himself. It's hard to tell how much gets in his mouth and how much he ends up wearing.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Helping Around the House

Nathan likes to help me around the house.

Playing in the laundry basket while I was folding the clothes.

Helping me put the dishes away in the drawer.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Afternoon

Papa, Nathan and Nana

Randy and Laura

Nana made bathrobes for the older grandkids for Christmas
Josh, Ryan, Nana, Alison, Collin & Joelle (Julia & Jordan, not pictured)

Cousin Joelle and Uncle Greg opening presents

Nathan was so tired from all the excitement over the past couple of days, he fell asleep on his Aunt Samantha.

Christmas Morning

Opening presents

Mommy helping Nathan read the Maisy book

Giving kisses to Maisy

Nathan was excited that Santa came

Daddy, Nathan and Mommy

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

Daddy and Nathan

Nathan playing on the couch

Nathan, the little drummer boy

Nathan and Grandma

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Party

We attended a family Christmas party at Aunt Patty and Uncle Matt's house. We all ate a lot of yummy food and the kids opened presents.

Me and my sisters
Jenny, Kathy, Patty, Laura and Samantha

Nathan and all nine of his cousins
Josh (16), Ryan (14) holding Jaxon (23 months), Collin (10), Allison (12) holding Nathan (16 months), Julia (9) holding Jessie (2), Joelle (5) and Jordan (6)

Daddy & Mommy helping Nathan open his presents.

Nathan's First Haircut

Nathan had a great time getting his hair cut for the first time today. We took him to Cool Cuts 4 Kids. They have little cars to sit in and each station has it's own TV for the kids to watch movies. Nathan sat in the red fire truck and watched the Wiggles.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

15 Month Check Up

Nathan visited his doctor today for his 15 month check up. He weighs 20 pounds 13 ounces and is in the 10th percentile. He is 30 inches tall, which puts him in the 25th percentile. We thought he was done catching up, but to our surprise he did a little bit more over the past three months. Nathan is now on table food for all three meals. He is down to one bottle before bedtime, but that will only last until we run out of formula. (Mommy will be very happy to give up bottle washing!) Nathan is cruising all over the furniture. He hasn't taken his first steps, yet, but he walks all over the house with the assistance of his Tonka truck.

I wanted to share some of my favorite recent photos of Nathan with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving at Nana and Papa's house. We ate lots of great food and enjoyed visiting with family.

Mom and Dad

Nathan after eating turkey, stuffing and mashed sweet potatoes.

Uncle Matt, Aunt Patty, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jake

Cousins Ryan, Josh and Collin

Guitar Hero Competition
Cousins Alison, Jaxon and Josh

Aunt Samantha and Nana

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

One Year Ago Today

Here we were just a year ago today. We brought Nathan home from the hospital and we didn't know what to do with him. We sat on the couch and took turns holding him.

Nathan's "Gotcha" Day Anniversary

Today is the first anniversary of Nathan's homecoming from the NICU. We celebrated Nathan's "Gotcha" day by taking a trip to the zoo. We all had a great time. The weather was perfect and the zoo wasn't crowded. It felt like we were the only one's there.

Nathan and Mommy getting splashed by the elephant fountain.

Nathan and Mommy getting friendly with the monkeys.

Nathan and Mommy on the wrong end of the elephant.

Nathan and Mommy on the monorail.

Nathan and Daddy on the monorail.

Nathan, Mommy and a very large tortoise.

Nathan and Daddy with a giraffe.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Another Pumpkin Patch

We joined the Little Ladybugs play group today with Aunt Kathy and Cousin Jessie and went to a pumpkin patch. Nathan enjoyed looking at the animals, going on the hay ride and all the pumpkins.

Nathan checking out a sheep.

Cousin Jessie feeding a goat.


Mommy and Nathan

The Little Ladybugs

Nathan trying to pick out a pumpkin.

Mom, can I have all of these?