Sunday, January 28, 2007

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I Got It

Nathan and I were playing on the floor and he grabbed the rattle from me. He held it in his hand for awhile and then dropped it. I think it was an accident, but I was really excited. He knew exactly where to put the rattle . . . in his mouth!!

Another reason why I think it was an accident is that the rattle is in his right hand. Nathan hardly ever uses his right hand. His left hand is the one that is always in his mouth and he also uses it to bat at his toys. He definitely favors it over the right. I think he may be a lefty. Time will tell.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Story Time

Nathan and I try to have story time every day. His favorite books so far are by Dr. Seuss.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Tummy Time

Nathan has been doing great with his tummy time. He has been lifting his head much higher and holding it up for longer periods of time. We just have to put the toys that he likes to look at in front of him to keep him interested.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Nathan has discovered his hands. He has them in his mouth all the time. On the rare occasion, he actually gets his thumb in his mouth. It's cute, but we don't want to make it a habit.

Thumb Sucker

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Happy Baby

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Nathan's Favorite Place to Nap

Nathan's favorite place to nap is right next to me on the couch. Sometimes he just wants to be near me all the time. I played on the computer while he took his afternoon nap today.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Sleeping Through the Night

I don't want to jinx it, but Nathan has slept through the night for the past four nights in a row. He has been going to bed around midnight and getting up at 6am.

His Aunt Patty came over last Friday night. She gave us some great advise on getting Nathan on a schedule. That was the first time he slept all the way through the night. I was the one who got up at 4am just out of habit. Nathan had been on an eat-on-demand schedule since he came home from the hospital.

Randy and I are finally getting some much needed sleep. Also, we can now schedule visitors and doctor appointments inbetween Nathan's feeding schedule. It is making life much easier for all of us.

Thanks, Aunt Patty!!!

Big Yawn! It's nap time.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Almost 12 Pounds

Nathan weighs 11.8 pounds. He is currently wearing size 0 - 3 months. I can't believe he has finally grown out of his newborn clothes. They will now have to join his preemie clothes in the closet.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!! Welcome 2007!!!

We hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year!

We had a very exciting 2006 and we are sure 2007 is going to be just as exciting, if not more. We spent the day curled up on the couch watching movies. Nathan slept through most of them.