Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Check Out My New Toy

My Grandma bought me a new toy today. I'm having a lot of fun playing with it. It makes fun car sounds and the blinkers flash. It has a radio and a side mirror. There are buttons to push and a cell phone to talk on.
Thank you, Grandma!

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Nathan has been eating cereal twice a day this week. He has been doing great. It gets pretty messy sometimes. He likes to cram his hand in his mouth in between each bite. Next week, we will increase him to three times a day. Nathan is also still drinking about the same amount of breastmilk each day.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Who Does Nathan Look Like?

We have been asked by several people who Nathan looks like most. You can figure it out for yourself. Here are our baby pictures.




Thursday, February 22, 2007

Family Heirloom

Ever since Nathan came home from the hospital he has been sleeping in a family heirloom every night next to our bed. Nathan's Great Great Grandad made this bassinet from a laundry basket. He made it for Nathan's Great Grandmom when she was a baby. Needless to say, it has been in our family for many, many years. Several of Nathan's Cousins, Aunts, Nana and Great Grandmom have slept in this bassinet. I also slept in it. I'm very honored that my son is now having sweet dreams in it.

Nathan in the bassinet.

Laura in the bassinet.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

I just put Nathan down for his afternoon nap. I walked past the windows in the front of the house and noticed that it is snowing outside. What a wonderful Valentine's present!


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tummy Time

Nathan has been greatly improving during his tummy time sessions. Tummy time helps him to build up his head, neck and arm muscles. It is helping him prepare to crawl and walk. He is now able to prop himself up on his arms and lift up his chest. He even rolled over onto his back for the first time during this tummy time play. We are very excited at the progress that he is making.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

First Taste of Solid Food

Nathan's first taste of rice cereal didn't go as planned. There seemed to be more crying than eating. We just need more practice.

What is this goop in my mouth?

Hey, this is pretty good!!

I want some breastmilk!!!

Maybe this isn't so bad.

Mommy shoveling it in.

I'm sooooo done with this!!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Glimpse of Spring

We got a glimpse of Spring today. It got up in the mid 70's. Nathan and I spent some time in the backyard getting some fresh air.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Solid Foods?

Is this what the doctor meant when he said to start Nathan on solid food?

Don't worry . . . this is only play food. We got out the highchair tonight to see how Nathan likes it. I think he is ready to eat some real food.

6 Month Check Up

We went for Nathan's 6 month check up today. He passed with flying colors. For his actual age, he is in the 3rd percentile. We have finally made it on the chart. For his adjusted age, he is in the 50th percentile. He weighs 13 pounds, 2 ounces. He is 23 1/2 inches tall.

We have been given the go ahead to start him on some cereal once a day. We will see what he thinks of that and decide if he is ready for it or not.