Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Triplets Have Arrived

My friend, Teryn, delivered her triplets today. She carried them for 34 weeks. She is a Super Mom.

Jake arrived at 10:29am weighing in at 5 lbs. 5 oz. 18 in.
Tyson arrived at 10:30am weighing in at 5 lbs. 1 oz. 18 in.
Zach arrived at 10:31am weighing in at 5 lbs. 5 oz. 18 3/4 in.

Mom and babies are doing great!!! Big sister Taylor is so excited her brothers are finally here!!

Congratulations, Teryn and Ryan!!

Teryn (one week before she delivered)

Jake, Tyson and Zach

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Nathan's First Tooth

Nathan has cut his first tooth. It is poking up out of his lower gums and is very sharp. Nathan likes to rub his tongue over it. He is also more vocal these days and seems to enjoy screaming just to hear himself.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Lean

Nathan is very close to sitting by himself. I call this "the lean". He can support himself with his hands. He gets in this position from his stomach and then he backs into the sit.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Nathan and Austin

Nathan has a new friend named Austin. We went to Austin's house for dinner tonight. They had a great time playing together. We are looking forward to more play dates with Austin.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Like Father, Like Son

Randy was playing video games and Nathan gave up his rattle for the Game Cube controller. He wanted to be just like his Daddy.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Nathan is now 17 pounds. His weight gain is slowing down. He doesn't seem to pack on the pounds like he use to.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Play Group

We hosted play group at our house this week. Nathan's aunts and cousins came over to play, swim and eat lunch. We all had a great time.

Jaxon playing in the car.

Enjoying lunch.
Julia, Kathy, Jenny, Jordan, Joelle, Samantha and Jaxon looking out the window

Can I have some of that?

AAAHHHHHH! I'm open.

HHMMMM, do I want to share my lunch?

I'll trade you this chip for some of that.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Nathan's First Swim in the Pool

We finally had a chance to swim in the pool this season. Nathan loved it. He floated around in his intertube and kicked his legs the whole time. Nathan enjoyed watching the fountain in the spa spill over into the pool. We are all looking forward to spending more time in the pool this summer.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Homemade Baby Food

I have started to make baby food for Nathan. It makes me feel great knowing that he is eating the freshest food possible. Nathan loves it a lot. He eats way more of my homemade food than the food from Gerber. Check out the bright green color of the peas. They match the dots on his bib.

Nathan is tired out because he had such a long day. We finished up dinner quickly so he could go to bed early.

Kick, Kick, Kick

Nathan tested out the pool today. He kicked his feet in the water. He wasn't sure what to think of the giant bathtub.

NICU Reunion

Today we attended the NICU reunion at Plano Medical Center. We had such a great time visiting with the nurses, doctors and other families who were in the NICU the same time we were. We enjoyed seeing how big all the babies have grown and how great they are all doing. It was nice to get a chance to thank all the doctors and nurses. Although, "Thank You", just doesn't seem like enough for what they have done for us. All the families had their photographs taken and were given one to take home. We are looking forward to attending again next year.

Laura, Dr. Kuforiji, Nathan, Dr. West, Dr. Lucena and Randy