Saturday, July 21, 2007

Playing with Twister

Nathan loves to play with his dog, Twister. He also likes to climb in Twister's bed and play with Twister's toys. Twister is very patient and kind with Nathan. He will lay still while Nathan pats and grabs him. They are great friends.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

ECI Evaluation

ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) came out today to evaluate Nathan to see if he needs any therapy. They concluded from their evaluation that Nathan does not qualify for any therapy at this time. He is at a developmental level of a 10 1/2 month old (his actual age) for everything except speech. He is at a level of a 7 month old (his adjusted age) for speech. They showed me exercises that I can use to work with Nathan on his speech. ECI will evaluate him again in 6 months to make sure he is still on track.

Nathan is crawling!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I Can Stand in My Crib

"Look what I can do!"

Story Time

Kaitlyn joined us at the library for story time. She and Nathan were buddies in the NICU. It was great to see them finally play together. I think they both had a great time.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Star Wars Exhibit

For Daddy's birthday today, we went to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. We went to see the special Star Wars exhibit. The exhibit combines costumes and props from all six Star Wars movies. They have two hands on labs where you can build your own speeder and robot. My favorite part were all the costumes. I wish we had brought our camera because you are allowed to take photos. I would also recommend getting the audio tour because there was not a lot of signage through out the exhibit.

Monday, July 9, 2007

My First Two Teeth

If you look close enough, you can see my two teeth on the bottom popping up through my gums. (Click on the photo to enlarge it.)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

All My Cousins

Here we are celebrating Josh's 16th Birthday.

(Back Row) Ryan holding Nathan, Alison holding Jessica, and Julia

(Front Row) Collin, Jordan, Josh holding Jaxon, and Joelle

I'm Getting More Mobile

I can get around by rolling, scooting and dragging. Check out my new stunt.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Nathan enjoyed celebrating his first 4th of July. We had the whole family over for swimming, hamburgers and fireworks. Nathan missed the fireworks because he ran out of energy and had to go to bed. He won't miss them next year.

Chillin' in the pool with his new sunglasses

Playing in the baby pool with his cousins, Jaxon and Jessie

Relaxing on the couch with Twister and Cousin Jordan

Cousins Josh and Jaxon

Cousin Joelle

Cousins Julia and Joelle

Randy and his "Red, White, and Blue" Cake

Aunt Samantha showing off her dessert

Sunday, July 1, 2007

I Can Sit By Myself

"Look at me!!"

"I'm so proud of myself"

"Yea, Me!!"

"Look, no hands"

"Now I'm going to work on crawling"