Friday, September 21, 2007

Eating Table Food

Nathan needs to be off of baby food by his next doctor's appointment. Nathan's Aunt Jenny and Aunt Kathy gave us a list of table food to start him out on. This week, I started feeding him table food for lunch. All week he has just been playing with the food by mushing it in his hands. He's been eating diced turkey, carrots, potatoes, cheese and applesauce. I had been feeding the diced food to him. But today, I placed the diced food in front of him on his tray and he started to feed himself. I was so proud of him, I had to take some photos.

Monday, September 17, 2007

RSV Season Has Started

I just wanted to remind everyone that RSV season has started for our area and lasts through April. Nathan does not qualify for the Synagis shot this year, which helped boost his immune system to fight the virus, if he caught it. He is no longer required to be on house arrest, but we will be taking all other precautions to prevent him from getting RSV this season.

We are asking that you wash your hands before touching Nathan. Please do not come to our house if you have a fever or cold symptoms, or have been around anyone who has been sick. We will keep him away from crowds and avoid close contact with others. And, as usual, we will keep Nathan away from smokers, which can cause him to go into respiratory distress.

We hope that everyone will stay healthy this RSV season!

Swinging at the Park

The weather was so nice this morning, so we went to the park. Nathan enjoyed swinging in the baby swings.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Nathan & Twister in the Playroom

Saturday night, I placed Nathan in his playroom for a few minutes of playtime before he went to bed. Shortly after that, we heard lots of giggling and laughing, so we both went over to see what was going on. This went on for well over 5 minutes. It ended with Nathan coughing from all the laughing and Twister just wanted out. It just tickles my heart. Enjoy!

Me & My Daddy