Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Afternoon

We headed over to my parents house Christmas afternoon to open more presents and eat dinner with the family.

Nathan ripping open presents.

Jordan helping Nathan with a gift.

Christmas Morning

We opened all the gifts that Santa left for us on Christmas morning.

Nathan opening his Little Einstein bath toy.

Nathan and Aunt Samantha

Daddy and Nathan opening Sing Star.

Santa totally surprised Mommy with a Wii Fit.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Nathan's Grandma's house. We ate dinner and then opened gifts.

Nathan and Grandma

Nathan opening presents.

Aunt Samantha and Mommy

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Someone has been peeking!

We have had some wrapped presents under the tree for a few weeks now. Everyday, Nathan has been more and more interested in checking them out. A few minutes alone and we found this! Hopefully we'll make it to Christmas without everything being opened!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nathan and His Cousins

Here's a rare moment . . . all the cousins together at the same time.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Visiting the Duck Pond

There is a duck pond at the park just down the street from our house. We visit there often to walk the trails, play on the playground and feed the ducks. There are two swans and about thirty ducks. Two of the ducks come to visit us at our house during the summer. They like to swim in our pool.

Nathan likes to throw the bread in the pond and watch the ducks fight over it.

Talking a stroll through the park.

Saying good-bye to the swan.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Plano Christmas Parade

I woke Nathan up early this morning and took him out of his warm bed to go outside in the cold and watch the Plano Christmas Parade. We meet up with Nana, Papa and some of Nathan's cousins. Nathan enjoyed the marching bands and getting lots of candy.

Nathan and Mommy trying to stay warm and waiting for the parade to start.

Nathan's Cousins

Alison, Joelle, Jordan and Julia

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving 2008! Nathan and I spent Thanksgiving at Nana and Papa's house. Randy was sick so he stayed home. We had a great time visiting with family and eating great food.

Nathan coloring with his cousins, Joelle and Jessie.

Aunt Samantha and Josh playing Guitar Hero with Nathan watching from the couch.

Nathan helping himself to some dessert.

Nathan had so much fun, he couldn't stay awake and fell asleep on me.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nathan's First Visit with Santa

Nathan, Aunt Samantha and I went to visit Nana at work and have lunch with her. Then, we went to visit with Santa. This was Nathan's first time talking with Santa. Nathan was a bit shy at first but warmed up to him quickly.

Nathan meeting Santa. Santa was very nice and took the time to make sure that Nathan was comfortable with him.

Nathan and Santa having a great time together.

Nana, Nathan and Aunt Samantha

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nathan's First Carousel Ride

We met Aunt Kathy and Jessie at the mall today for story time and lunch. After lunch we headed over to the carousel and Nathan rode it for the first time. He loved it. Once the ride was over, I had to pry his hands off the horse. He screamed and cried as I took him off the carousel. I made him a deal that we would come back and ride it again another day.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Birthday Party

Nathan attended a birthday party this weekend at the Little Gym. He had a great time hanging on the bars. Instead of bringing a birthday gift, all the kids brought a wrapped book for a book exchange. We came home with a great book and we had a great time at the party.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Playing in the Cars

Nathan has started playing in the cars. His playground is our backyard and the cars are sitting in his playground. So, he thinks they are there for him to play with. He likes to sit in the drivers seat, punch all the buttons and steer the wheel.

He likes to stand in the back, back of my car every time we return home from a trip.

He has learned how to turn on the emergency blinkers on Daddy's car. He's checking to make sure he turned them on.

Learning to drive a stick shift.
We are usually playing outside when Daddy comes home from work each day. Nathan runs to Daddy's door and pulls him out of the car, so he can get in.

Going vintage.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nasher Sculpture Center - 3rd Visit

We visited the Nasher Sculpture Center again today. Admission is free the first Saturday of each month. We enjoy going there and looking at all the sculptures. Nathan loves to run around the garden and the weather was perfect for that today.

We seem to learn something new every time we go downtown. Today we found out that if we go early in the morning, we can park on the street and feed the meter $2.50 for two hours of parking instead of paying $5 and up for a spot in a lot for the entire day. I love to save money!!

I have always wondered if anybody has ever fallen in these fountains, since you can just walk right into them. I got my answer today and it is YES. My son cut the corner off and slipped in the water. His jeans were wet up to his knees. Thankfully the weather was nice so they dried quickly.

*Note to self . . . next time we visit, bring a change of clothes for Nathan.

Nathan and Mommy making puzzle boxes in the classroom downstairs. Mommy really made the boxes while Nathan ate a snack.

Chasing birds in the garden.

Wandering around . . . which is his favorite thing to do.

Running away from Daddy.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This is the first year that Nathan has dressed up for Halloween. He loves giraffes and Mommy was so excited to find this costume for him.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Broken Foot Update

I visited the doctor today to see what I needed to do to heal my foot. The good news is that I won't need surgery. I just have a broken bone with no tendon or ligament damage. I have a walking boot but will still need the crutches for a couple of weeks. Then, I will just have the walking boot for 6 weeks.

Please pray for me for a quick recovery!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Broken Foot

Mommy is out of commission. I broke my foot Friday evening. I was walking my parents out to their car in the dark and I slipped off my front steps. I put ice on it and when I woke this morning it was swollen and bruised. Randy and Nathan drove me to the ER to get it x-rayed. The ER doctor put a splint on it for now. I will follow up with a doctor this week to see what they say. I'm hobbling around the house on crutches. I'm able to do things and care for Nathan. I'm just much slower at it.

If you come to my house, be very careful on our front steps. They are uneven and we don't want anyone else to get hurt.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trinity River Audubon

We attended the Trinity River Audubon grand opening. They had lots of sponsors and activities going on today. There is an education center full of information and hands on activities.

Nathan, listening to bird calls.

There were lots of cubby holes and windows to look out at nature. Some were large enough to climb in.

This was a large sandbox that you could create your own river.

The children's garden had a window that you could view the Trinity River. Mommy's pointing to a large catfish.

REI had tents and equipment that you could try out. Nathan liked climbing in and out of the tents.

Nathan also loved sitting in this red kayak.

We learned how to raise chickens in the city. Nathan loved to feed the chickens.

Hiking on the trails.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Elm Fork Nature Preserve

We went hiking again at the nature preserve. We walked the entire trail this time.

Nathan loves to hike.

"Don't feed the animals."

Daddy and Nathan by the pond.

Nathan got tired out and wanted to be carried by Daddy.