Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Speech Therapy

Nathan started his weekly speech therapy today. He worked on stacking blocks, animal sounds and body parts. He also rolled cars on the floor. His therapist works with him by repeating actions and words over and over again through play. Nathan was a bit shy when she came over but warmed up to her when she pulled out her toys. Miss Jennifer gave me some homework on sounds and actions to work with Nathan during the week. We also need to continue work on his signs. He knows "all done" and "more".

Nathan is 18 Months!!!!

Nathan is 18 months today. He had his check up yesterday. He weighs 21 pounds 8 ounces, which puts him in the 5 to 10 percentile for weight. He is in the 25 to 50 percentile for height at 32 inches. Nathan has been walking for a couple of weeks. He has been walking all over the house and outside in the back yard. He can't wait for Spring to come so we can spend more time outside.

Here are some photos of Nathan from last night after his bath. He was playing in his room before his bedtime.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Caught on Camera

Nathan was caught on the camera doing things that he shouldn't be doing.

Escaping the Playroom

He can now reach the door knobs and open the doors that go from his playroom into the kitchen.

Playing in the Dog Water

Nathan is always in the dog bowls. He is either playing in the water or eating the dog food.

Emptying the Kitchen Cabinets

While I'm cooking or cleaning in the kitchen, Nathan loves to empty the cabinets. His favorite is dragging out all the tupperware and spreading it all over the kitchen floor.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Nathan helped me make a Valentine's card for Randy. He colored on white, red and pink paper. Then, I cut hearts out of the paper and taped them to the card. Nathan was more interested in eating the crayons than with coloring on the paper.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Afternoon At the Park

We took advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend and spent the afternoon at the park. Nathan loves to spend time outside and enjoy nature.