Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny left Nathan's basket by the fireplace this morning. He filled it full of books. Nathan loves to turn pages of books. He will sit quietly for several minutes and turn the pages of his books. He also likes to be read to.

We went to Nana & Papa's house for Easter dinner. Papa planned a treasure hunt for the grandkids. Everyone worked together to figure out the clues. At the end of the hunt there was a treasure box with goodies for everyone. Thanks Papa!! We love the treasure hunts.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

We decided to have our Easter egg hunt today because we are expecting some rain tomorrow. We spread out the Easter eggs in the backyard for Nathan to find. He picked them all up and put them in his Easter basket. We had been practicing all week. I hid eggs around the house for him to find. The hard part was getting him to put them in the basket and leave them in the basket. He did a great job!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Toddler Table

We went to the KidKraft warehouse sale this morning. We got Nathan a toddler table with two chairs for the kitchen. We also got a Lego/activity table and some wooden blocks.

Nathan wanted to eat dinner at his new table tonight. He did really great until the very end. He started to get squirmy and fell off the chair. He is not use to sitting in a chair without being strapped in. We will have to watch him carefully until he gets the hang of it.

Mommy, when is dinner?

Yea, thanks for dinner!

Twister is always close by when Nathan is eating.

Playing at the Park

We had great weather again today, so we headed off to the park. We fed the ducks and Nathan laughed when they quacked.

Nathan loves to get out of the stroller and run around. He doesn't always go in the direction that we want him to go. He has his own plan.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Playing in the Backyard

The weather has been so nice the past couple of days. Nathan really enjoys being outside, so we play in the backyard a couple of times each day.

He's pointing at an airplane

I like to get muddy

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Crawling Through the Tunnels

Nathan has a pop up tent with a tunnel to crawl through. It sprung out of the bag when I unzipped it. It was much larger than I thought it was. Nathan likes to crawl through the tunnel. He laughs really hard when I crawl after him.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Snow Day!!

Yes, it does snow in Texas. We received a dusting of snow today. Nathan liked the snow, but not the cold. We were outside for just a couple of minutes and Nathan started crying because he was too cold.

Catching snowflakes on his tongue

BYE-BYE . . . Let's go inside. I'm cold!

Nathan's Close Up

Randy and Nathan were hanging out in my bathroom and playing with the video camera. Nathan is looking at himself on the video camera screen. I think he is checking out all his new teeth. His one year molars have come in on the bottom and the top molars are working there way out.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Playing in the Mirror

Nathan likes to play in the mirror after his bath. Randy captured a few photos tonight.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

New Tricycle

I found Nathan a Radio Flyer tricycle at a consignment sale over the weekend. He's not quite ready for it, yet, but he loves it.

Yea, a trunk for my stuff.

Thank you, Mommy. I love it!!