Monday, July 28, 2008

Hot, Hot, Hot . . .

I had to take a second look when I saw the thermometer this afternoon. Yes, that says 106.7. That's the highest that I have ever seen it. I had to document it. It's hard to explain to Nathan why we can't go outside to play in the sandbox. I'm afraid that we might burst into flames.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Morning Walk in the Park

We got up early this morning to take a walk in the park before it got too hot. Nathan enjoyed roaming around the park. He got tired out pretty quickly and Daddy had to carry him back to the car.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cousins Camp - Aunt Kathy's House

This week we met over at Aunt Kathy's house for Cousins Camp. We ate our lunches outside on her newly renovated lawn furniture. The kids went swimming and they also played on the slip n' slide. Nathan took his turn down the slip n' slide. He likes to do what all the big kids are doing. He really enjoyed running through the sprinklers all along the side of it. We all had a great time.

Jaxon and Julia in the pool. Jordan is on the slip n' slide.

Joelle and Julia playing on the slip n' slide. Nathan is watching the girls to see how it works.

Nathan has his swimsuit on and is ready to give it a try. Julia shows him one more time how to slide to the end.

Here is Nathan's first try down the slip n' slide.

He didn't make it all the way to the end, so he got up and walked the rest of the way down. Then, he jumped and splashed in the small pool of water at the end.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Little Gym

Nathan has been going to The Little Gym all summer. He truly enjoys it. He loves running around, climbing on the equipment and he loves to dance to the music. All the Moms get a kick when the music comes on and Nathan starts to dance. They all say, "He is so cute!!" Nathan has been working on many different skills. He could not hang on the bar when the class started, but he can now do it while his teacher, Mr. Jason, spots him.

Today was friends day at The Little Gym and we brought our friend, Austin. Austin and Nathan enjoyed themselves. They both loved running up and down the mountain.

Nathan climbing on the equipment with Valerie.

Hanging out on the donut.

Austin and Nathan running on the mountain.

Waiting his turn on the balance beam.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Visit to UNT and Fry Street

We went to visit UNT and see what was new on campus. We haven't been to Denton in several years and wanted to find out if any of our old hangouts were still there. They have added several new buildings giving the campus a much updated look. The core of the campus still looks and feels the same as it did when we attended classes. Check out the new fountains they added next to the library. It was such a hot day, we wanted to jump in to cool off.

UNT Campus

Fountains next to Willis Library.

Nathan found the clock on the tower of the Administration Building. I worked in this building for the Bursar's Office for a little over three years.

Nathan running around the fountains.

"Can I touch the water?"

"Can we go swimming?"

Fry Street

We walked over to Fry Street to see what it now looked like. We were happy to see that Voertman's Bookstore was still there. We went inside and ended up buying some UNT t-shirts. Most of Fry Street has changed since we lived in Denton. It doesn't seem like the cool hangout spot anymore that it once was.

This is the corner where the Flying Tomato use to be before it was set on fire last summer. Cool Beans is still next door.

This lot is where the Delta Lodge use to stand. Another organization now occupies the land and built this much nicer house.

Fry Street - All the businesses have changed since we left Denton.

This use to be Rick's Place where we went to listen to local bands. It's now a dance club called The Drink.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sweet, Sweet Watermelon!

It was so hot this afternoon we thought that some sweet watermelon would help us cool off. It was Nathan's first watermelon, so he got a front row seat when Daddy cut it open.

The first cut.

"Look at that juicy fruit!"

Nathan's first bite of watermelon.

His third or fourth piece. I lost count.


Hot Wheels

Nathan has been playing with his Hot Wheels all weekend long. Randy dug out his Hot Wheels case that he used when he was a boy, so Nathan now has a place to store his cars.

Racing cars on the coffee table.

Daddy's old Hot Wheels case is now Nathan's new Hot Wheels case.

"Look at all my cars!"

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nasher Sculpture Center - 2nd Visit

We went to the Nasher Center again for their First Saturday event. Nathan loved running around the gardens and looking at the fountains. I think he wanted to go for a swim.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July! - Family Party

Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jake invited the family over for hamburgers and hot dogs. After dinner we swam in the pool. Then, we all had dessert. Everyone went to view fireworks, but we went home because Nathan had a full day and was really tired.

Nathan loves to swim and Aunt Jenny's pool is nice and warm.

Nathan picked up Joelle's goggles and didn't want to take them off.

All My Sisters
Patty, Jenny, me, Kathy and Samantha.

The Brother-In-Laws
Jake, Matt, Greg and Randy sitting in the front.

Nathan enjoyed swimming with Papa and Nana.

Eating ice cream with Daddy.

Aunt Sammy and Jessie getting sticky with ice cream cones.

Is it time for fireworks?

Happy 4th of July! - Playing in the Backyard

Nathan loved the flags that he got at the parade. He ran around in the backyard with them after we got home from the parade.

Happy 4th of July! - Parade

We watched the Plano parade this morning with Papa, Nana and Aunt Samantha. It was Nathan's first parade and he loved it. It was so exciting that he fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Nathan enjoyed pushing his stroller around in the closed street while we waited for the parade to get to us.

Mommy, Nana, Nathan and Daddy still waiting for the parade to start.

Finally the parade started and Nathan was excited to get a flag to wave.

Watching the Boy Scouts walk by.

"What's coming next?"

Check out that fire truck!

Nathan licked his lollipop only a couple of times before he fell asleep on the way home.