Friday, August 29, 2008

2 Year Check Up

Nathan visited his doctor for his 2 year check up. Nathan weighs 23.8 pounds, which puts him in the 10 percentile. He is 34 inches tall and in the 50 percentile. That means that Nathan is now average height for a two year old. Way to grow, Nathan!

Nathan was diagnosed with "Toddler Tummy". That just means that Nathan's body does not digest sugar very well. His doctor said no more juice for Nathan and to limit his sugar intake. We have already noticed a difference with Nathan since we have stopped the juice. Potty training will be less messy now.

Nathan will return to his doctor in three months to further discuss his speech issues. We need to decide if we want to switch Nathan to private therapy.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nathan!!!

We celebrated Nathan's birthday by going to the children's museum. The museum has different stations for the kids to visit. Nathan's favorite station was the fire truck. You could dress up like a fireman and drive the truck. It also had a slide down the back.

Daddy and Nathan driving the fire truck.

Nathan wearing the fireman hat.

Sliding down the back of the truck.

The ball machine.

Making giant bubbles with Mommy.

Give me a hand.

Nathan climbing through the fence to get the kitty on the farm.

Closing the barn doors.

Getting all wet in the water room.

After dinner, we celebrated with monkey cupcakes. Nathan really enjoyed his.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Nathan.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Nathan's 2nd Birthday Party

We celebrated Nathan's birthday today with the family. Nathan had a monkey themed party. Everyone came over at 5PM and we started the party off by eating lots of yummy party food. Then, we sang "Happy Birthday" and cut the monkey cake that Randy made. After cake, Nathan opened his gifts and had to open all the boxes to play with his new toys right then. We finished the night off by playing in the backyard and swimming in the pool. Nathan was exhausted once all his guests had left. I laid him down in his bed and he immediately drifted off to sleep. He had a great party!

Randy's cool monkey cake.

Mommy helping Nathan blow out his candles.

Waiting for his cake and ice cream.

"Yummy cake, Daddy!"
(Little monkey having a side of bananas with his cake.)

Nathan's new wooden train set. Cousin Jessie watching Nathan open his gifts.

Fridge Phonics to help Nathan learn his A, B, C's.

Two sets of monkey jammies. Cousin Jordan standing in the back and Cousin Joelle sitting in the front.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ready for Bed

Nathan is all ready for bed. He needs a good night sleep tonight so he has enough energy for his birthday party tomorrow. Mommy put his favorite TV show on, The Little Einsteins, so he can relax before bed time.

Ready for his show to start.

Daddy calls this the "TV Coma".

Monkey in the Middle

We are getting the decorations out for Nathan's birthday party. He is having a monkey theme because he is our little monkey. Nathan loves playing with the blow up monkeys.

Playing monkey in the middle.

Where did Nathan go? I only see monkeys.

Here he is!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Play Group - Nathan's Birthday Party

It was our turn to host play group at our house this week. Since Nathan's birthday is next week, we decided to celebrate today with his friends. I had lots of snacks and cupcakes for the kids to munch on. Nathan did great sharing his toys with everyone. He enjoyed opening his gifts and playing with his new toys. We are looking forward to hosting play group at our house again in a couple of months.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cousin's Camp - Nathan's First Visit to McDonald's

It's been rainy the past couple of days, so we met at McDonald's for our last day of Cousin's Camp to eat lunch and play on the indoor playground. This is Nathan's first visit to McDonald's. Randy and I don't eat at McDonald's so Nathan has never been. He ate chicken nuggets and the grapes from my salad. He also stole some of Aunt Sammy's french fries.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Joelle & Jessica's Baptism

It was a very special day today. We attended Joelle and Jessie's Baptism. They are two of Nathan's cousins. They looked so pretty in their matching white dresses. We went to their house afterwards to celebrate with cake and presents.

Joelle getting baptized.

Jessie getting baptized.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer Showers

We had a cool summer shower roll through this afternoon. We let Nathan run around in the rain. He thought it was the funniest thing. He ran around on the driveway marching in the puddles. He just giggled and laughed the whole time. It's one moment I'll remember forever.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Clean Up . . . Clean Up

Nathan likes to sweep up the sand when he is done playing in the sandbox. He sees Daddy clean it up each time and wants to be like his Daddy. He's a great helper!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kaitlyn's 2nd Birthday

Nathan's NICU friend, Kaitlyn, turned 2 years old. She had an Elmo party. Nathan and Kaitlyn were sitting at her toddler table playing with Elmo toys.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Frisco Heritage Museum

We visited the Frisco Heritage Museum for Cousin's Day. It had lots of information on cotton growing and railroads. Nathan enjoyed the trains.

Jordan, Nathan, Joelle, Julia and Jessie running in front.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Shaded Playground

We are so excited that we found a park near our house that is shaded in the mornings. It has lots of large trees that give shade to the playground area. It also has a walking path that goes around the park. We headed over right after breakfast. Nathan loved the swings and the slide. We plan on going back tomorrow morning.

Having fun on the swings.

Getting help from Daddy.

Trying it by himself.

"What's in here?"

Walking on the paths.

"Do we have to go?"