Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This is the first year that Nathan has dressed up for Halloween. He loves giraffes and Mommy was so excited to find this costume for him.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Broken Foot Update

I visited the doctor today to see what I needed to do to heal my foot. The good news is that I won't need surgery. I just have a broken bone with no tendon or ligament damage. I have a walking boot but will still need the crutches for a couple of weeks. Then, I will just have the walking boot for 6 weeks.

Please pray for me for a quick recovery!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Broken Foot

Mommy is out of commission. I broke my foot Friday evening. I was walking my parents out to their car in the dark and I slipped off my front steps. I put ice on it and when I woke this morning it was swollen and bruised. Randy and Nathan drove me to the ER to get it x-rayed. The ER doctor put a splint on it for now. I will follow up with a doctor this week to see what they say. I'm hobbling around the house on crutches. I'm able to do things and care for Nathan. I'm just much slower at it.

If you come to my house, be very careful on our front steps. They are uneven and we don't want anyone else to get hurt.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trinity River Audubon

We attended the Trinity River Audubon grand opening. They had lots of sponsors and activities going on today. There is an education center full of information and hands on activities.

Nathan, listening to bird calls.

There were lots of cubby holes and windows to look out at nature. Some were large enough to climb in.

This was a large sandbox that you could create your own river.

The children's garden had a window that you could view the Trinity River. Mommy's pointing to a large catfish.

REI had tents and equipment that you could try out. Nathan liked climbing in and out of the tents.

Nathan also loved sitting in this red kayak.

We learned how to raise chickens in the city. Nathan loved to feed the chickens.

Hiking on the trails.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Elm Fork Nature Preserve

We went hiking again at the nature preserve. We walked the entire trail this time.

Nathan loves to hike.

"Don't feed the animals."

Daddy and Nathan by the pond.

Nathan got tired out and wanted to be carried by Daddy.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Homecoming Parade

The local high school had a homecoming parade right at the end of our street. We walked down after dinner and enjoyed the parade.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch

We went to our favorite pumpkin patch today. Our favorite part is that everything is free.

Nathan loves to ride in the wagons.

Nathan and Daddy in the pumpkin patch.

Nathan didn't like sharing the wagon with the pumpkin. He wanted it out.

Mommy and Nathan riding the kiddie train.

Nathan stayed seated on the hay ride.

"Look . . . horses!

Smiling at Daddy.

Waving to everyone.

I put Nathan on the haystack to get a photo and he turned around and started to climb it. He climbed pretty high. Our little monkey.

Mommy and Nathan in the pumpkins. Nathan didn't want to sit still for photos.

He just likes to run.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Nature Fest - Elm Fork Nature Preserve

We got up close and personal today with nature at Nature Fest. We gathered lots of information about nature and our environment.

Nathan enjoyed running free through the trees.

Petting a corn snake very gently.

Buzzing around the honey bees. Nathan was interested in watching the honey bees work.

Hiking in the nature preserve. Nathan hikes like he is on a mission. Head down and full speed ahead.

Watch out for poisonous snakes! Nathan found one on the sign.

Staying close to Daddy.

Opps . . . He got away!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Great Bargains!

Nathan and I found some great bargains today. It's like hitting the jackpot. We wanted to share them with you.

We got all this for only $46.62. Can you believe it? To find out how, see below.

1 - Glaceau Vitamin Water - $2.29 with $2.29 ECB - FREE
2 - Lady Speed Sticks - $3.59 on sale for $1.99 with $2.00 EBC and $.50/2 coupon - $.74 each
Spent - $1.67 including tax

1 - Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons - $4.99 on sale for 2/$8 with $1.00 IVC and $1.00 coupon - $2.00
1 - Playtex Sport Tampons - $4.99 on sale for 2/$8 with $1.00 IVC and $1.00 coupon - $2.00
1 - Palmolive Dish Liquid - $2.19 with store coupon $1.30 with $.25 coupon - $.64
3 - Huggies Baby Wipes - $3.99 on sale for 2/$5.00 with 3 $.50 coupons - $2.00 each
2 - Sobe Life Water - $1.79 on sale for 2/$2.00 with $1.00/2 IVC - $.50 each
2 - Sun Maid Raisins - $3.99 with store coupon $2.00 - $1.99 each
4 - Keebler Crackers - $1.79 on sale for Buy 1 Get 1 Free - $.90 each
1 - Trident Splash Gum - $1.19 with store coupon 3/$2 and $.55 coupon - $.12
1 - Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation - $7.49 with store rebate of $7.49 - FREE
1 - L'Oreal Face Cleanser - $7.99 with store rebate of $7.99 and $2.00 coupon - -$2.00
1 - Shout Laundry Stain Remover - $3.99 on sale for 2/$5.00 with store rebate of $1.00 and $.75 coupon - $.75
2 - Glade Candle - $2.99 on sale for $1.99 with store rebate of $2.00 and 2/$1.00 coupon - $.49
Spent - $19.94 including tax - I paid with a gift card that I recharge with my store rebates, so I actually got all this FREE.

6 - Betty Crocker Cake Mix - on sale for $1.00 - $1.00 each
2 - Del Monte Canned Vegetables - on sale for $.75 - $.75 each
5 - Dr. Peppers - on sale for $.95 - $.95 each
4 - Tyson 100% Natural Boneless Chicken Breast - on sale for $1.67/lb - $3.22 each
2 - Kroger White Bread - on sale for $.88 - $.88 each
1 - Mission Fajita Grande Flour Tortillas - on sale for $1.00 - $1.00
1 - Dannon Light and Fit Yogurt 4 ct - on sale for $2.00 with $1.00 coupon - $1.00
3 - Dannon Activia Yogurt 4 ct - on sale for $2.00 with 3 $1.00 coupons - $1.00 each
2 - Suave Shampoo - on sale $.88 with buy 1 get $1 off another coupon - $.38 each
2 - Hunts Tomatoes - on sale for $.75 with $.80 coupon - $.35 each
1 - Hot Pockets - on sale for $1.67 with $1.00 coupon - $.67
2 - M&M's Fun Size - on sale for $2.50 with $1.00 coupon - $2.00 each
8 - Campbell's Soup - on sale for $.60 with 2 $.40 coupons - $.40 each
4 - Progresso Light Soups - on sale for $1.25 with 2 $1.00 coupons - $.75 each
Spent - $44.95 including tax