Thursday, April 29, 2010


Nathan has really enjoyed music class at school. This video has a surprise at the end. Enjoy!!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Olympic Days

Nathan's school had their Annual Olympic Days today. The kids had a chance to participate in many fun games. My photos are not that great because I have a new camera and I'm still learning how to use it. Also, I volunteered to help out, so I didn't have much time for photos while chasing balls, bean bags and kids.

Opening Ceremonies - All the kids lined up and filed outside. One child from each class ran around the parking lot with a paper torch.

Soccer Ball Kick

Basketball Toss - Here's Nathan cheating a little.

They also played Football Toss, jumped on mini trampolines, Shotput with beanbags, Long Jump, Tall Jump and had a Baton Relay Race.

Everyone returned to their classrooms to eat their snacks and rest. Miss Susan surprised the school by buying popsicles to help the kids cool off.

After snack, they headed back outside for more fun.

Stick Horse Races

Sack Races

They had a Wheels Race with tricycles and an Obstacle Course. Then, the kids went indoors for Tug Of War.

Nathan's class getting ready to pull.

The kids in Nathan's class are small, so some of the kids in the 4 year old class jumped up and started helping out. But, they still lost. They gave it all they had but they were tired out.

After the games, Miss Kim hosted the metals ceremony.

Nathan on the podium getting his metal. (Sorry for the blurry picture . . . new camera.)

This was such a fun day for the kids and parents. When I picked Nathan up from school, he was exhausted. He almost fell asleep in the car on the ride home.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Car Conversations

This conversation happen on the way home from Nathan's Little Gym class.

NATHAN: Mom, I'm small.

MOM: Yes, you are, but you are growing bigger every day.

NATHAN: I'm not growing bigger.

MOM: Every night when you are sleeping, you grow bigger and bigger. You are growing up to be a big boy.

NATHAN: I'm NOT growing bigger. I'm growing smaller to a baby.

MOM: You're not a baby, honey, you're a big boy.

NATHAN: I want to grow smaller to be your baby. I want to be your baby, Mommy.

MOM: You will always be my baby.

Isn't he a sweet boy. I wanted to pull over and give him a big hug.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

March of Dimes - March for Babies 2010

The rain stayed away today, so we could walk another 5 miles for the March of Dimes. We raised $500 towards our Plano NICU Parents team total of over $12,500. We give a BIG thank you to everyone who made a donation and who walked with us.

We received a lot of love and support today by having many family members join us on the walk.

Back Row: Papa, Josh, Collin, Uncle Matt, Aunt Patty and Daddy
Front Row: Nana, Alison, Aunt Kathy and Mommy
Very Front Row: The star of the day, Nathan.

Nathan's Path of Hope sign was at the end of the 5 miles. By that time our group was spread out with the younger kids walking way ahead of the older ones.
Aunt Kathy, Aunt Patty, Nana, Papa, Mommy, Daddy and Nathan (Uncle Matt took the photo.)

Mommy, Daddy and Nathan with his Path of Hope sign.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Beach Play

After lunch, we went back to the beach to play. We're good at that!

Flying his kite on the beach.

And . . . in the water.

Holding hands with Daddy.
This is the only picture of Randy from this trip and it's just his shadow. That's what happens when you're the photographer.

The beach is the best place to fly a kite.

Hopscotch on the beach.

Watching the waves roll in.

Here he comes!
The water was cold and Nathan didn't like the waves getting him.

Super cute baby feet on the beach.

There are two bench swings next to the boardwalk. Nathan liked to swing in them each time we came back from the beach. Notice the new wood. They just finished the boardwalk and these swings the week before we arrived. The boardwalk and swings were taken out by the hurricane.

Moody Gardens Playground

We went back to Moody Gardens this morning to play on their rainbow playground. Nathan loved it and had a great time . . . of course!! If you know Nathan, then you know that he is on board for any outdoor activity.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Galveston Beach

Nathan was refreshed from his nap and ready to hit the beach.

We flew two kites and Daddy enjoyed having kite wars with Nathan. I think Daddy won.

Nathan's cool new beach shoes.

You can see the eroded beach from Hurricane Ike with our condo in the background.

Here's Nathan on the balcony two years ago. How cute!!

Look how tall he has grown.

Eating PB&J on the balcony.

Beautiful Sunset

Rainforest Cafe

We ate lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. Nathan loved watching all the animals come to life. He also liked the rain storms. Nathan ordered a drink that had a red-eyed tree frog in it. They quickly became best buddies. Nathan was very excited to see a giant red-eyed tree frog outside.

Red-eyed tree frog that is just Nathan's size.

After lunch we visited the gift shop and deck on the gulf called Murdock's Pier. Nathan was so wiped out from the aquarium and lunch that he fell asleep at the store on Randy's shoulder. He slept all the way back to the condo and took a long nap.

Sacked out in his bunk.

Galveston Easter Trip - Moody Gardens Aquarium

We packed up the car and headed for the beach Easter morning. Monday morning we went to Moody Gardens to visit the Aquarium.

Hanging out watching the sea lions swim around.

Checking out the shark stamps on his hands.

Gazing in the tanks.

Is Nathan in time-out? No . . . he's just in the shark cage.

In the tunnel aquarium.

Can't have too many shark stamps on your hands.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


The Easter Bunny left Nathan's basket on his table in the living room and filled it with toys.

He also hide eggs around the house filled with money and jelly beans.

Nathan is telling me that he is getting a tummy ache from all the candy.

The rest of our Easter was spent in the car. We packed up Nathan's Easter basket and hit the road headed to the beach.