Monday, November 29, 2010

New Room

We are redecorating Nathan's room to a camping theme. Nathan helped Daddy paint his canoe wall art. It reads, "Canoe Rentals". Nathan is really excited about his new sheets and decor. We can't wait for it to be completed.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Halloween Night 2010

Nathan dressed up as a giraffe this year for Halloween. He was very eager to go out and trick or treat. This was his second year and was ready to try it again.

We went to a few houses on our street. He had a great time ringing the doorbells and yelling "Trick or Treat". He received lots of candy and had fun. He can't wait for next year.
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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our Little Vandal

Nathan loves to play outside and one thing that he always does is play with chalk. We have gone through two large tubs of chalk this summer. We make hopscotches and draw pictures. Sometimes Daddy will draw roads all over the driveway so Nathan can drive his cozy coupe on the roads. Everything outside is Nathan's canvas . . . even the house.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Messy Hands

We like to do lots of arts and craft projects at home. Nathan loves to paint. He always starts out using brushes, then he sometimes switches to Q-tips. Our painting projects always end with finger paining. Nathan loves to squish the paint between his fingers. It's always more fun when you end up with messy hands.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Oil Change

Nathan has been wanting to help Mommy and Daddy all over the house. So, we have been giving him some chores that he can do all by himself. Today, Daddy changed the oil in Mommy's car and Nathan really wanted to help. Daddy let him pour the new oil in the car with lots of help, of course, but Nathan was trilled to help out.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Trunk and Treat

We did a Trunk and Treat with the Early Childhood PTA. We all met at a school parking lot and decorated our trunks with Halloween decorations and treats. The kids dressed up and trick or treated at all the car trunks. We loved this concept. It worked great for Nathan. It was also hot that afternoon and Nathan was wishing his Giraffe costume wasn't so warm.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Homestead Heritage Farm

The second weekend in October we visited Homestead Heritage Farm near Waco with Nana and Papa. They have a traditional craft village which has a blacksmith, textiles, gristmill, woodwork, and pottery shops. Visitors are welcome to watch the craftsmen at work in the shops and to buy their crafts. They also have a barn and a deli with a fresh bakery.

The Barn
Nathan was excited to see the animals, so we headed to the barn first. We found chickens, goats and turkeys.
The Gristmill

The Blacksmith Barn

The Hayride
After eating lunch in the deli, we rode the hayride and toured part of the farm. We stopped at this covered pavilion to look out over the fields.

Overlook to View the Fields
The fields were empty because they had already harvested everything. The Brazos River runs along the fields where they have a grove of pecan trees.
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Pumpkin Farm 2010

We visited our favorite pumpkin farm the first weekend in October. It had rained the day before and it was a bit muddy and messy. We rode the hayride and picked out our pumpkins. Nathan's favorite part of the pumpkin farm is feeding the animals. He is very brave and likes for the animals to eat out of his hands.

Feeding the Longhorns

Feeding the Goats

Nathan loves to feed the goats. I think he would have climbed in their pen with them if we let him.

When Nathan ran out of goat food, he thought they might like to eat his pumpkin.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

October Updates

October updates are coming soon!!

Sorry the updates have been few and far between these days. We've been really busy and haven't had much time to sit down. Over the Thanksgiving break, I'll share with you what we have been up to. Enjoy!!