Monday, August 27, 2007


To celebrate Nathan's birthday, we went to the Dallas World Aquarium. It's a South American rainforest filled with rare plants and animals. The bamboo paths lead you past monkeys, giant river otters, many species of toucans and crocodiles. They have a river exhibit that allows you to look underwater at the manatees and huge turtles. There's a 22,000 gallon walk-through tunnel of stingrays and sharks. They also have snakes, jaguars, sea turtles, owls, eagles and bats. We all had a great time. Nathan loved the animals. His favorite were the huge turtles.

Daddy and Nathan on the Canopy level with all the birds flying over head.

Swainson's Toucan

Orinoco Crocodile

August 27th, 12:11 PM

While we were looking at the monkeys on Monkey Island, Mommy's watch started beeping.

One year ago today at this very moment, Nathan was born.

Our family grew to three.
Nathan, we are so blessed to have you in our lives!

Black-footed Penguins

Nathan and Daddy visiting the South African garden

Nathan, what was that?

There were lots of Bull Sharks in the walk-through tunnel.

Nathan and Mommy with the flamingos.

Arrau Turtle

Shovel-nosed Catfish and Antillean Manatee


Nathan's first trip to downtown Dallas.

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