Saturday, April 19, 2008

March of Dimes - March for Babies 2008

We had a great time at the March for Babies. It was a five mile walk around White Rock Lake. We want to thank everyone who sponsored us and made a donation to the March of Dimes. We were very excited that Nathan's Nana and Papa walked with us this year. It was also great to catch up with all of our NICU friends. We are looking forward to next year's walk and hoping more friends and family will join us.

Mommy and Nathan riding the DART bus shuttle to the walk.

Nathan is saying, "Hello", to his friend, Kaitlyn.

Nana, Mommy, Nathan and Papa ready to start walking.

We found Nathan's Path of Hope sign along the walk.

Nathan riding the shuttle bus back to the car.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring into Nash Farm

Nash Farm was celebrating the restoration of their farmhouse.  They had lots of fun activities for the family.  We watched bees make honey and met the Bee Princess.  We were taught how sheep are sheared and how to milk a cow.  They also had sack races, hay rides, pony rides and several other demonstrations about life on the farm.  We spent most of our time near the barn visiting the animals.  We saw goats, sheep, chickens, bunnies and a donkey.  But, Nathan really enjoyed visiting the cows.  He laughed every time they said, "Moooooo".

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring Storm Aftermath, Part 2

We took a drive through our neighborhood to check out the damage. We saw lots of tree and fence damage. We also saw several houses with missing shingles. The biggest damage we saw was a downed communication tower and a church down the street from us was missing a whole wall.

Spring Storm Aftermath

We had our first round of really bad spring storms the past couple of nights. Last nights storm hit our area hard. Since living in Texas almost my whole life, I have never experienced a storm like last nights. I heard howling winds, creaking, cracking and popping noises. I was for sure that we were about to experience our first tornado. I stood in the hallway between Nathan's bedroom and our "safe" bathroom. I was about to grab Nathan from his crib and get in the bathtub. But, as quickly as the storm hit, it quickly ended.

Randy and I stood on the back patio with our flashlights to survey the damage. The wind blew so hard that it knocked part of our fence over. It moved and pressed our grill up against a downspout with such force that it left deep dents in it. Our air conditioning unit was moved off of it's base. It also blew my patio chairs cushions all over the yard. It left shredded leaves and twigs all over the yard and in the pool. We are very thankful that we didn't get more damage.

Here are the photos that we took this morning.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Nasher Sculpture Center (plus celebrity sighting)

We spent the afternoon at the Nasher Sculpture Center. They offer free admission on the first Saturday of each month. It's a fun family event sponsored by Target with lots of activities for the kids. Nathan did the scavenger hunt (with help from Daddy) where you have four sculptures that you have to find and write down the name of the sculpture and the artist who made it. Once you find all the sculptures, you turn your page in for a prize. Nathan got a stuffed Target dog that he held the whole time. Nathan's favorite part was the outside gardens. He also loved getting out of the stroller and running around.

As we were leaving the center we noticed some paparazzi around the front door. We hung around to see who they were waiting for. A couple of minutes later a black SUV pulled up and Jewel got out. I quickly told Randy to take some photos of her as she was rushed inside. This was the last weekend for the International Film Festival in Dallas and they were having panel talks downstairs at the Nasher Center and she was on one of the panels.

Nathan and his Target dog.

Mommy and Nathan walking on the boardwalk.

Nathan and Daddy in the garden.

Walking to the Sky

Mommy and Nathan inside a sculpture.

Bronze Crowd

Nathan with the fountains.

Nathan with one of the indoor sculptures.

Jewel posing for the paparazzi.

Jewel signing an autograph.