Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Nathan and I went to the NICU to deliver goodies for the parents. We met up with some of the other NICU Graduate parents. We always have fun seeing the other kids from the NICU and how much they have all grown. Plus, it's great to see them all healthy. One of our favorite doctors was working that day and came out to the waiting room to visit with us.

Nathan, Dr. Jain and Kaitlyn

Nathan wasn't in the mood to get his picture taken. He was very interested in the Valentine's candy and the fish in the aquarium.

When we got home from the NICU, Randy joined us and went out to lunch as a family for Valentine's Day. Nathan took a long nap once we got home. As a treat we picked up some Chinese food later on for dinner, so I didn't have to cook all day.

We had a great Valentine's Day!!

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