Thursday, August 20, 2009

Last Day in Destin . . . More Planes and Sand

Nathan woke up at 6:30AM this morning. After making breakfast in the kitchen, I found Nathan quietly sitting on the balcony. He was taking in his last day on the beach.

National Naval Aviation Museum

We got a tip from my sister that we needed to visit this museum. It's at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola. It is the home of the Blue Angels. It was an hour and a half drive from our condo, but well worth it.

There were several airplanes that you could climb in and sit in the cock pits. Nathan loved this part.

Nathan's favorite part was the 1/2 USS Kiddie Hawk, a play area for kids. The three story play structure resembled an air craft carrier. Here he is raising the flag.

Looking through the spy glass.

Nathan and a 1943 airplane.

Laura in the Blue Angels atrium.

Nathan and the Blue Angels planes.

Nathan climbing in more cock pits. He liked looking at all the gages and flipping all the switches.

Nathan flying the plane.

Randy taking a turn in the planes.

Blue Angels

We ate lunch in the museum at the Authentic Cubi Bar Cafe. Then, we played one last time on the Little Kid's Carrier before we left.

Last Time on the Beach

Lollipops . . . Nathan's current addiction.

Building more sand castles. I don't have any photos of the sand castles because Nathan likes to "crunch" them quickly.

Nathan really enjoyed jumping the waves and getting smacked around by them.

All wet from the waves.

I think he went under a couple of times.

Nathan's sad to leave the beach. Bye-Bye Beach!

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