Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We went trick or treating to our neighbors houses. Nathan loved knocking on the doors and saying "Trick or Treat".

Here's all my candy.

His favorite candy that he got was this one bag of Skittles, which he quickly ate. Along with several over pieces of candy.

"That was so much fun! I can't wait for next year."

Trick or Treating at the Mall

We went trick or treating at the mall. It was great to go in the afternoon and it wasn't very crowded. This was Nathan's first year to go trick or treating. He had a great time.

Figuring out where to start.

There were crafts for the kids to do. Nathan pushed some metal brads (eyes, nose and mouth) into a pumpkin to give it a face.

Done with crafts . . . on to more trick or treating.

I'm getting lots of candy!

Trick or Treating is fun!


Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Cupcakes

We had leftover frosting and sprinkles from Nathan's school party, so I made cupcakes to decorate.

Nathan loved adding the sprinkles.

He licked all the sprinkles and frosting off and asked for more.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Party at Preschool

Nathan's preschool class had their Halloween party today. All the kids were dressed in their Halloween costumes. They were all so cute.

Leanna and Nathan

Alex, Allan and Rees

Nathan is patiently waiting for his pumpkin cookies.

Conner, Michelle and Julieann

Madeline and Zachary

Nathan enjoyed decorating his pumpkin cookies.

Rees getting his hand painted to make a black Halloween cat.

The Room Mom's
Monica, Christina, Ms. Melissa, Me and Vipul

Painting pumpkins

Nathan adding some eyes, a nose and mouth to his pumpkin.

The class went trick or treating to all the classrooms.

Nathan waiting his turn to get a treat in his bag.

After a couple of doors, all the kids started to get the hang of it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Party

Aunt Samantha invited us over for lunch to see her new apartment, so we decided to bring some pumpkins to carve and decorate. We had a great time. Nathan really enjoyed sticking felt stickers all over his pumpkin.

Aunt Samantha helping Nathan with his stickers.

Nana and Samantha in her new kitchen.

Mommy carving her pumpkin on the kitchen floor.

Aunt Samantha and Nathan.

Nathan taking a snack break.

Almost done with my pumpkin.

Hanging out in the living room.

Nana's Pumpkin

Mommy's Pumpkin

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bounce Party

Nathan attended his friend's 4th birthday party. It was at a bounce place. There were about ten kids at the party, so they had the place to themselves. Nathan had a great time and didn't want to leave.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Halloween Party at the Little Gym

The Little Gym had a Halloween party today for it's members.

Playing the duck game.

Fishing for candy.

Football Toss

Enjoying some of his prizes.

Snacking on cookies.

Being Silly

More Cookies

Flying around the backyard.

Up, Up and Away!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Longing for the Outdoors

I found Nathan sitting in the window longing to go outside. He was home from school today because he didn't feel well. All he wanted to do was play outside.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009