Saturday, October 3, 2009

Big Orange Pumpkin Patch

Nathan's been excited about going to the pumpkin patch this year. He keeps saying that he wants to go on a hay ride. The weather was beautiful today, so we drove out to the country to the Big Orange Pumpkin Patch in Celina.

Feeding the Animals

There were goats, sheep, longhorn cattle and a donkey to feed. There were also some chickens and roosters walking around. Nathan loved feeding the animals. I think he would have climbed in the fence if we let him. He was not afraid of any of the animals. He wanted to pet and feed them all. I love the expressions on his face in these photos. Pure joy!

Hay Ride

With all the talk of the hay ride the week before, Nathan was actually quiet on the ride. We took a 20 minute tour around the farm. Nathan took it all in and was excited when he saw two bounce houses that we hadn't noticed earlier.

Feeding the Animals, Again!

We had one more cup of food for the animals and when we got off the hay ride that was the first thing Nathan wanted to do. We couldn't interest him in anything else until all the animal food was gone. He was even brave enough to let the goats eat out of his hand.

Bouncy Slide

Nathan loves bounce houses and he can't walk by one without bouncing. They had a bounce house and a bounce slide. Nathan chose the bounce slide.

Pumpkin Patch

We walked around the pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkin to bring home. The first one Nathan found was too big. The second one was just right.

Before we left, Nathan had to say Good-Bye to this baby cow.

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