Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day!!

We woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. Nathan "berry berry" wanted to play in it before he went to school. Since we don't get many days of snow, I couldn't say "no".

Nathan played for about a half hour in the snow with his Dad. We couldn't get him to come in the house and get dressed for school. He ended up being a few minutes late for school this morning but it was worth the fun.

Randy came home early from work and we all went outside to build a snowman. It had snowed all day long and was still snowing, so we had lots of snow to make a giant snowman.

Mommy, Snowman and Nathan

Nathan leaning on his snowman.

Rosey nose and cheeks.

Catching snowflakes on his tongue.

Record breaking snowfall today for Texas!! It snowed for 16 hours! Official DFW measurement was 9.5 inches!! Fort Worth got 12 inches!!

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