Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last Day of School

Today is Nathan's last day of school. He was very excited to go because they were having a water play day. The weather was perfect for them to play outside.

Dressed in his swimsuit and very excited for the last day of school.

Mommy had a flat tire, so Daddy had to come rescue us. Nathan ended up only being a half hour late, but arrived just in time to play outside with the water tables.

After school, we stopped to get an ice cream treat and Nathan wanted to bring it home to eat it in the backyard.

His teacher, Ms. Melissa, gave him some bubbles and he couldn't wait to open them up.

He is very happy that it's finally summer time. He can't wait to swim in the pool.

Nathan had a great year in preschool. He loved playing on the playground, singing in music class, doing craft projects, dancing in creative movement, attending chapel and eating lunch. The best part of school was his teacher, Ms. Melissa. She was very loving, caring and a lot of fun. We will miss her, but can always stop by her classroom to say hi next year.

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