Monday, September 27, 2010

Nathan's First Day of School

Nathan started school on Tuesday, August 31st. He is in the same class that he was in last year and has the same teacher, Ms. Melissa. Nathan was very excited to start school this year. He was dressed and ready to head out the door 15 minutes early.

Nathan is eagerly ready to go back to school.

Nathan got a new backpack this year. I think it's so cute! Nathan likes it, too.

He was a bit nervous when we arrived in his classroom.

We put his backpack and lunch box in his cubby. He found some toys on the table to play with. I kissed him good-bye and reassured him that I would come back to pick him up after lunch and he was just fine.

Nathan had a great first day at school and he made some new friends. We started a tradition to end the school year with ice cream. So, we decided to start a new tradition to also start the school year off with ice cream. We stopped at Yogurtville after school. Nathan selected vanilla with chocolate sprinkles.
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