Saturday, May 30, 2009

Camping at Martin Creek Lake

We went camping at Martin Creek Lake for our annual family camping trip this year. As usual, we all had a great time.

Martin Creek Lake

We opted to stay in a cabin while the others roughed it a bit. Here I am in the kitchen making dinner.

Wading in the lake.

Jaxon getting ready for a swim. He was swinging his life jacket around. Jaxon always looks like he is having a great time.

The sunbathers - Patty, Nana, Jenny, Jaxon and Julia.

Nathan going back in the water for more swimming. The water level was so high there wasn't a beach to make sandcastles.

Nathan and Jaxon taking a break from all the excitement. Nathan actually took a very short nap in the back of my car.

Back at the campsite having a water balloon fight. Jaxon got soaked and loved it. Boy, that water was cold. I got hit a couple of times with the balloons.

Nathan off with Daddy picking flowers.

Most of the kids went off with Jake to see how many fish they could catch. Julia caught a couple. I did, too.

The campfire brings out the pyro in all of us . . . even Jaxon.

Collin delivering some wood for our Saturday night campfire.

Isn't it so cute when the little ones hold hands? Jessie and Nathan are so cute.

Joelle and Julia were modeling for Randy.

The happy campers roasting marshmellows.

Nathan, Jordan and Joelle are full of smores.

Jordan, Nathan and Randy goofing off.

The older cousins hanging out in our cabin. We kicked them out shortly after this photo and went to bed.

We had a great time even though Papa's car broke, Nathan got attacked by ants, Joelle hurt her elbow and Jordan hit her head. Fun memories!! We can't wait to go again next year.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

We started our day with some fun at the park. Nathan really enjoys playing at the park. He will play until he gets so tired that he can't even walk back to the car.

Getting whiplash from riding the fire truck.

I love the freckle under his right eye.


Nathan's wearing his Junior Zookeeper shirt that we bought him from our recent trip to the zoo.

Blowing the dandelion.

"Oh, I missed. Here Dad . . . you try."

"I'm just going to stick with flowers."

"See my yellow flower!"

After Randy took this picture, Nathan told Randy that he wanted to go home. And, asked to be picked up. Randy carried him to the car and then Nathan sucked down a Capri Sun in one sip. By the time we got home, Nathan had a second wind and was ready to play in his sandbox. So, we ate our lunches on the patio and enjoyed more of the beautiful weather.

When Nathan woke from his nap later that afternoon . . . it was time to open the pool for the season.

Testing the waters.

Once he got in the water, he remembered how much he loves to swim.

Our little Nemo.

"Are you catching all my great swimming moves, Daddy?"

My two favorite guys.

"Jump higher, Daddy!"

I love the sheer joy that I captured on his face.

Playing with the waterfall.

We swam for two hours and had to drag Nathan out of the pool. I think we are going to be doing a ton of swimming this Summer, which is fine with me because I love to swim, too.

Hope you had a great Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mmmmm . . . Popsicles

We make Nathan eat his popsicles outside because he eats them so slowly. I also make him take his shirt off because it drips down the front of it, but kept it on this time for photos.

Warm Summer evening and a popsicle.

Sometimes you just have to bite the side of it.

Check out the drip on his chin.

After popsicle run on the driveway.

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Trip to the Zoo

We took advantage of the great weather and went to visit the zoo. Aunt Samantha had the day off work, so we invited her to join us. We all had a great time and were so glad that Aunt Samantha could come.

We started our visit with seeing how Nathan's height compared to the penguins.

Aunt Samantha had lunch with an old friend. Or, was she lunch?

Nathan and Randy checking out the flamingos.

Samantha and I taking a break.

I think everyone's favorite was the giraffes.

There was a butterfly exhibit and Nathan found a caterpillar on a leaf.

The children's zoo has a bird enclosure where you can get up and personal with the birds. This bird got very personal with me.

This bird was a pick pocket. He was trying to steal some of Nathan's treats from my purse. I'm just glad it didn't poop on it.

Nathan thought this bird was really funny. He's getting a better look at it.

Nathan and Aunt Samantha feeding the sheep.