Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Pool is Open

We took the cover off the pool today to see how warm the water was getting. We had 90 degree days all week long. The water was very warm. This is the earliest we have been in our pool without turning the heater on.
Nathan couldn't wait to swim this season. He had been asking me for weeks if it was time to swim. Once he was in the water he asked, "Is it now summer time?" The answer to that question is . . . YES!!
I signed Nathan up for swimming lessons which start next week. I wanted to make sure he had a chance to get in the pool before his first lesson. Hopefully he will enjoy them as much as he loves to swim in our pool.

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Race Car Build

We went to Lowe's this morning for their Build and Grow clinic. This morning we built a race car. Again, Nathan loved it. He likes to hammer with the kid sized hammers. This is a great free activity and we will be going back for more fun.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer 2010 - Sports Week

This week's theme is SPORTS.

We started our week with a field trip to the Palaestra Gym. Our playgroup won a party there and we were very happy to attend. They have gym equipment, several trampolines and even had two bounce houses.

Nathan loved the trampolines. They had an extra long one for tumbling. Nathan ran down it over and over and over. I ran down a couple of times. It was really fun! The two bounce houses are in the background. One was Disney Princess with an obstacle course and the other was a giant fire truck with a tall slide.

Nathan coming down the slide. He was moving so fast all over the gym, it was hard to get a good photo of him.

Nathan loved this gym. We both got lots of exercise there. He didn't want to leave when our time was up. We will be going back in a couple of weeks and we can't wait!!

We also did a couple of craft projects. Nathan painted different sports balls on construction paper. Mommy cut them out. Then, Nathan stuffed them with shredded paper and stapled them shut.

Nathan painting a football.

Here are the finished balls hanging from the kitchen ceiling. We made soccer balls, footballs, basketballs and baseballs.

Nathan and I played basketball in the living room. We gathered all different sized balls that we could find around the house. Then we took turns throwing them into a laundry basket. We only keep score by the amount of fun that we were having.

Our sensory tub this week was filled with Cheerios. I added some sport ball whistles and erasures that I found in the party section of the store. I always put a magnifying glass in the tub so Nathan can get a close look at everything. I also add a couple of plastic eggs to hide items in or fill them up with Cherrios and shake them.

Nathan likes to play with the sensory tub outside. I put a blanket on the patio and he will sit and play in the tub for a long time.

Our second craft that we made was a torch. Nathan remembered the Olympic torch they had at school for their Olympic Field Day.

Our torch was made from a paper towel tube. Nathan started to paint it with a brush but finished with his hands.

He liked squishing his hands in the paint.

Messy Hands

When the torch was dried, he decorated it with some blue glitter glue. Then, we glued orange tissue paper at the top for the flames.

Nathan and I visited the library and checked several sports books out. We read books about baseball, football, soccer, basketball, hockey and golf. Our favorite books were:

Let's Play Basketball! by Charles R. Smith Jr.
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Long Shot by Chris Paul
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Dino-Hockey by Lisa Wheeler
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Little Granny Quarterback by Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson
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Hunter & Stripe and the Soccer Showdown by Laura Malone Elliott
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Big Kicks by Bob Kolar
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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Catapult Build

We went to Lowe's this morning and participated in their Build and Grow Clinic. This week's build was a catapult. Nathan had a great time using the little hammers. He started each nail and Daddy finished hammering them in. The clinic is for ages 5 and up, but Nathan was engaged the whole time.

Nathan was thrilled with his catapult. It is extra special because he built it with his Daddy.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last Day of School

Today is Nathan's last day of school. He was very excited to go because they were having a water play day. The weather was perfect for them to play outside.

Dressed in his swimsuit and very excited for the last day of school.

Mommy had a flat tire, so Daddy had to come rescue us. Nathan ended up only being a half hour late, but arrived just in time to play outside with the water tables.

After school, we stopped to get an ice cream treat and Nathan wanted to bring it home to eat it in the backyard.

His teacher, Ms. Melissa, gave him some bubbles and he couldn't wait to open them up.

He is very happy that it's finally summer time. He can't wait to swim in the pool.

Nathan had a great year in preschool. He loved playing on the playground, singing in music class, doing craft projects, dancing in creative movement, attending chapel and eating lunch. The best part of school was his teacher, Ms. Melissa. She was very loving, caring and a lot of fun. We will miss her, but can always stop by her classroom to say hi next year.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nathan's Little Gym Skills

These are the skills that Nathan learned during his sports class. He learned to throw a frisbee, putt a golf ball, shoot a hockey puck and hit a ball off the tee.

Nathan's Little Gym Entrance

Each child entered the gym and hit a home run off the tee. Then, they ran the bases and slid into home plate. Nathan didn't get a good run around the bases and needed help sliding.

Show Week at The Little Gym

This was the last week of Little Gym for this semester. Nathan was taking a sports class. He learned sports skills for several different sports. Today they showed us everything they had learned and put on a show for the parents.

Showing his frisbee skills.

Nathan still needs some help with his form. Mr. Travis is showing how to wrap his arm around his body first, then throw.

Sitting on the watching wall and waiting their turn.

Mommy double booked Nathan on Wednesdays, so by the time we arrive for Little Gym class, he is ready for a nap. Here he is taking a rest before his turn.

Hanging with Mr. Zak.

On the podium getting his medal.

Showing Mommy his medal.

His sports class with their teacher, Mr. Travis.

We invited Nana to come and watch the show. Nathan is showing Nana his medal.

Afterward, we took Nana to our new favorite place, Yogurtville, for a treat. Yum!!

The Start of Summer

I can't believe that Nathan has only 1 more day of school left this year. He has had a great time at school. Summer has snuck up on me this year. So, the past few days I've been feverishly surfing the internet looking for ideas, projects and field trips to keep us busy all summer long. We can't spend the whole summer swimming in the pool. :)

I decided to assign a theme to each week, like bugs, dinosaurs, nature and zoo. I have planned several art projects, activities, sensory tub and a field trip all supporting that week's theme. I will ,of course, share our summer adventures with all of you.

I hope this will keep Nathan entertained all summer long. If not, you can find us in the pool!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

3-Year Old Preschool Graduation

Nathan's school had a graduation program today. The students sang songs that they had learned in music class.

Nathan ready to go to school.

He was excited that Mommy and Daddy were coming to school today.

His class is getting ready to sing a song.

This is the only time he participated.

Not sure what he is doing here.

Or here.

All is good, when it ends with a cookie!

We went to his classroom after the program and we all had lemonade and cookies.

Daddy and Nathan