Sunday, July 11, 2010

House Guest

Nathan's cousin, Jessie, can to stay with us for a couple of days. Nathan was very excited to have his first house guest. Jessie is a year older than Nathan, but they play together very well.

They played many games together.

Yelled together.

And bounced in the bounce house many times.

Nathan loves when he has a bouncing mate. It's not that much fun to bounce by yourself.

They even enjoyed eating together. Yum!! Grilled cheese and strawberries.

We had a great time with Jessie. We would love to have her come back again!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lowe's Build and Grow Clinic - Ball in a Cup

Here we are again at Lowe's. We can't seem to get enough of these clinics. We now have our system worked out. Mommy reads the directions, Daddy puts the nails in place for Nathan to hammer them and Nathan gets to put the stickers on the project, if there are stickers.

This week's project is ball in a cup. Everyone loves playing this game!

Watch your fingers, Daddy!!

Nathan trying to get the ball in the cup. I think he hit himself in the head several times with the ball before he finally got it in the cup.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer 2010 - Dinosaur Week

This week is about Dinosaurs.

Nathan and I visited the Museum of Nature and Science in Fair Park. We looked at many different dinosaur bones.

Nathan also dug up some bones and measured them in the Dino Dig exhibit.

Our craft project was a dinosaur made from different shapes.

First, Nathan, decorated the background with his paint daubers.

While he was dabbing, Mommy cut out shapes from construction paper. Nathan dabbed some green on them and then glued them to the paper to form a dinosaur.

We call him Shape-O-Saurus.

We did a physical activity this week. I gave Nathan a stick dinosaur. It's just like a stick horse but with a dinosaur head. We ran dinosaur races around the house. We ran relay races and also timed each other.

Nathan ran a relay race during Olympic Days at his school last year. This was a great opportunity to revisit this concept of taking turns. Nathan remembered the races from school and I think he has relay races down.

Some of our favorite dinosaur books we read this week are:

The Littlest Dinosaur by Michael Foreman
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The Super Hungry Dinosaur by Martin Waddell
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Friday, July 2, 2010

Playing in the Rain

We've been having summer showers all week. Tonight, Nathan couldn't resist playing in the rain.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Eating with Gusto

This is how Nathan eats his macaroni and cheese . . . with gusto.