Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer 2010 - Dinosaur Week

This week is about Dinosaurs.

Nathan and I visited the Museum of Nature and Science in Fair Park. We looked at many different dinosaur bones.

Nathan also dug up some bones and measured them in the Dino Dig exhibit.

Our craft project was a dinosaur made from different shapes.

First, Nathan, decorated the background with his paint daubers.

While he was dabbing, Mommy cut out shapes from construction paper. Nathan dabbed some green on them and then glued them to the paper to form a dinosaur.

We call him Shape-O-Saurus.

We did a physical activity this week. I gave Nathan a stick dinosaur. It's just like a stick horse but with a dinosaur head. We ran dinosaur races around the house. We ran relay races and also timed each other.

Nathan ran a relay race during Olympic Days at his school last year. This was a great opportunity to revisit this concept of taking turns. Nathan remembered the races from school and I think he has relay races down.

Some of our favorite dinosaur books we read this week are:

The Littlest Dinosaur by Michael Foreman
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The Super Hungry Dinosaur by Martin Waddell
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